A friend and a best friend are two different things. They differ in many ways.
Normal conversations with our 'normal friends' are something that just normal. But think about it, who do we go when it comes to a heart-to-heart? i bet that you wouldn't go running to your "just friend" when you have your best friend to talk to.
Another visible difference between the two is that a best friend is someone you've really close to. Plus, you happen to speak to a best friend on a daily basis.
Whatever the label, a friend still has a meaningful role in life. Basically, best friends are those who are always there for you. They know when they have to take action and when to stay back.
They are those who understand you and make sure you stay out of trouble-or perhaps join u in the trouble. They accept you just the way you are. They are the ones who will listen to your wackiest idea ever and say, "let's do it!", and they are the ones who care for you.
They are exactly the best of friends one could ever have and that is why they are called best friends- not "just friends".
Hehehe....sya lupa perkenalkan diri sya....ahahhaha...BTW hai, My name is Feyshella just call me wok or shella...i was born in a very piutipul country...hihi...Malasyia,Sabah...i was born at katil hospital...ntah la aku pun lupa la siapa yang sambut sya tu...si anu bin si anu mangkali(lupa ba nama tu doctor)..hehehe...time tu tahun dia tangal 17 bulan lima thn 1990....(pssst2 muda lg kan...kekekke)Tapi suda jadi tunangan org ah!...utk yang tanak wagu or tank kampung.. jan lg kamu mengurat sya...ahahhahaha...jan bwa sya p manari time karamaian...akakkaka...lucu...hmm..time sya kisil2 im skuling at Sk.Sugud Penampang...Banyak la juga kenangan....kalau time habis sikula...nah saaaana kami p tarajun sungai...banyak tai kerbau lg tu...(ewwww!) kids dont try2 ah....^^...when i already basar...sya nokosuang saana tingkatan 1 d SMK BAHANG PENAMPANG...(uiyooo ganaz) hehehe..time tu blum ada tanak wagu lg...hihihhi...habis jak sikula...msti kami stay2 d libry dggn...akakaka....p mengurat mangkali...^^...kadang2 kami stay d rmh kwn sya...saaaaaampai la tamat tingkatan 5...sya masuk la p PLKN (siri 5 kump 1,di Kem Tanaki Tambunan) pewittttt sajukkkk!!!!...hehhe..siok la masuk plkn...tp yang paaaaling sya suka time masuk hutan...gila basah kuyup + basah lumpur ba kami tidur d tanah...ujan lg kan time tu....kmu maw taw....(ada pacat!)huhuhu...ahhhh lupakan la cerita plkn tu...tlmpau panjang...ok lepas tu baru la sya start sebagai seorg PEKERJA....sya kerja biasa2 jak...heheh...ermmmm apa lg ah maw d solita?...lupa la...to be continue lah...ehhehhe..>>>>> nantikan cd sya yang seterusnya ah...hiihihi...